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Hey there my lovelies! Today’s topic is all about feminism and what it really means. Before I start off this post I’d like to say, everyones opinion are there own. This is a safe space to share your beliefs and will never be judge. I just want to clear up feminism, what the definition is and what it really means. Social media, cable, online platforms, blogs, and others can post things about feminism that are not 100% accurate. I want everyone to be educated on it, so they can make the decision for themselves.Β 

FEMINISM: (as defined in the Webster Dictionary)Β :

1:Β the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes

2:Β organized activity on behalf of women’s rights and interests


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Feminism in a nut shell, is supporting equal rights for women. This means, that you agree that women should be paid the same as men, women should be able to have a voice without being shut down, women can run for office, presidency, senate and so on without any fear. A big aspect of feminism is shutting down the idea that if women are raped or abused it is somehow their fault. Just because we as women wear sexy outfits, short skirts , or low cut shirts, does not mean we were asking for it. Feminism has a lot to do with the idea that we should be supporting other women rather then judging them. Their are lots of feminist groups that do marches for women’s rights, and protest societies standard’s on women belonging in the kitchen and not doing mens work.Β Β 


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There are a lot of common misconceptions when it comes to feminism. One of the major things, is the idea that women are feminist to be held at a higher standard then men. “Equal rights for women, does not mean less rights for men”. This idea couldn’t be further from the truth, feminist women are fighting for equal rights not to have more rights than men. Feminism is a movement towards equal society for male, female and transgender people, without discrimination. Huffington post wrote an awesome article on common misconceptions about feminism and they defined it way better than I could have: “I have seen countless times women expressing that they do not β€œneed” feminism because they are not β€œman-haters” or not a β€œlesbian”. It is so saddening for multiple reasons; men and women are so ill informed that they believe this is what feminism means, they might have been around people that claim to be feminists and are actually using this movement to promote their misandry, and the main complaint: feminists are just man-haters.”Β 


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The more articles I read the more educated I got on the concept of feminism, and it got me thinking. I wanted to know what my peers, friends and family, had to say about feminism. I sent out a massive text asking my friends and family to define feminism in one sentence, here’s what they said:Β 

α–΄α–‡IEα‘Žα—ͺ α‘Žα‘Œα—°α—·Eα–‡ 1: The fight for women’s rights, the fight for equal right’s.

α–΄α–‡IEα‘Žα—ͺ α‘Žα‘Œα—°α—·Eα–‡ 2: Hmm Idk I’m not a feminist.

α–΄α–‡IEα‘Žα—ͺ α‘Žα‘Œα—°α—·Eα–‡ 3: A person that agrees female are as equal as men.Β 

α–΄α–‡IEα‘Žα—ͺ α‘Žα‘Œα—°α—·Eα–‡ 4: A women standing up for her rights and general equality among genders.Β 

I must say a lot of my friends and family were more educated on feminism than I thought they would be. This makes me very happy to hear that they know what feminism is and either support it or understand it.Β 

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28 thoughts on “π™΅πšŽπš–πš’πš—πš’πšœπš–: π™³πšŽπšπš’πš—πšŽπš

  1. I got so many shocked responses when I one day casually said I was a feminist. I literally had to say, not one of the crazy ones 🀦 Which I hated but my friends literally didn’t believe me. Social media and news channels has distorted the meaning a lot for people.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very nice written! It sickens me to live in a misogynistic country like Indonesia.
    Sadly this is always happening in Indonesia, women are always blamed for what they wear and walking around the street at night time. πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This was a fantastic read! Really insightful article with a great message. Keep blogging!

    If you like, I was thinking of linking to your blog in my next Mystery Blogger Award, as a way of connecting different bloggers. No need to participate in the personal quiz if you’d prefer not, but would you like your blog signposted for new readers to check out?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Great! πŸ€œπŸ€›πŸ’™πŸ’œ Had to swap some mentions around since some people would rather not take part, so would you prefer to be part of a Sunshine Blogger Award instead? It’ll be for next Monday if that’s not too late?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Would you prefer to be signposted just as ‘The Happy Minimalist Girl’, or would you like your name mentioned (I’ve found it helps humanise blogs a lot more for new readers, but either works) What would you prefer?


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