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Hey there my lovelies! Today’s post is going to be on a topic that can sometimes be hard to deal with throughout your life. Being a confident, self assured person is always a good thing. That being said there are always going to be people who want to bring you down, or just don’t flow with your vibe. And this is a hundred percent okay, understanding and accepting that not everyone is going to be your cup of tea, and more importantly that your not gonna be everyones cup of tea is so important.Β 

I wanted to write another post similar to my “Feminism:defined” post since I got so much good feedback. It would be “Consent:defined” I know it can be a tricky subject to talk about so let me know if thats something you want to see!Β 

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I think for most of us, especially women, we go on a journey that leads us to feel confident about ourselves. Most of us aren’t born radiating confidence, and it takes a lot of work and effort. Whether its your weight, something about your appearance, a stutter, or so on, we all have something that can bring us down. And then eventually you get to a place where you finally accept your faults whole heartily and love yourself in spit of them. So it can be hard when you meet someone that you just don’t flow with. You try and figure out what your doing wrong, and it can sometimes take you a few steps back in your journey. When it comes to these scenarios, I say be confident anyway. If you allow what people think about you to effect you in anyway, you’ll find your confidence fading quickly. You are not going to get along with everyone, and sometimes you’ll really like someone who doesn’t reciprocate the feelings. You don’t need to feel defeated, simply give them warm wishes and send them on there way. Life is full of first meetings and eventually you’ll find the person that vibes with you in a way you’ve never felt before.Β 

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You ever meet someone that just radiated cockiness, this is always a huge turn off. Being a strong confident person is always a good thing. You don’t however want to step over that fine line between being confident and being cocky. When you’re overly confident, to the point where you think you are the best person in the world it can be very undesirable. You can also hurt people’s feelings or the send them the wrong idea. If you find someone you don’t vibe with and you’re acting cocky, you can create the idea in your head that there is something wrong with them. That they are the one with the problem, because how could someone not like you? This is not the way to go about any encounter. Finding someone you don’t get along with is a good thing, you’re learning what you like and what you don’t like. It is no one’s fault you two simply don’t see eye to eye and that is okay.Β 

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There are always going to be people in your life, in your work place, even in your group of friends that see you as competition. These are the people that can’t find it in themselves to be confident and don’t like that you are. If you are being strong, sensible, confident and not cocky than you have nothing to apologize for. You went on a beautiful journey to get to a point in your life where you are happy with who you are and no one can take that away from you. If you find someone trying to bring you down or a man telling you it’s unattractive that a women is so self assured, remove them from your life. My personality can sometimes be confrontational, never in a bad way tho. I never yell or make anyone feel bad about themselves. But if I find a guy or a friend, or even someone I just met, trying to tell me how to be, or how not to be I have a hard time bitting my tongue. I do know however know that most of us aren’t like that so don’t feel defeated that you simply walked away without standing up for yourself. You owe no one an explanation for why you are the way you are. As long as you are happy with yourself thats all that matters.Β 

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Like I said earlier, most of us are not born radiating confidence, it takes a lot of work to get to a place in your life where you accept everything about yourself. The important thing is that you start somewhere. If you’re at a place where you’re tired of feeling bad about yourself, and tired of tearing yourself down when someone doesn’t like you it’s time to start your confidence journey. There are a few things that I found help a lot when it comes to trying to be confident. The first thing is reaching out to family and friends and let them know how you are feeling. For me that has always been my momma, sister or friends. We as humans love instant gratification and it can help tremendously when you have someone in your life telling you all the good qualities about yourself. Also knowing their will always be people that love you and are in your corner will help you feel less defeated. Another awesome way to help with confidence is youtube videos. Finding a You-tuber that is confident and shares their journey can often make you feel less alone. Even the most beautiful people in the world have something they would change about themselves. Also reading books, articles, quotes about loving yourself and confidence can help you have a place to start. All in all it is your journey that you have to take, and finding love within yourself for yourself is a beautiful thing. You deserve to love yourself like so many others do.Β 

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